Coplanar Battery Featured on Back Cover
Our work on the Coplanar Edible Rechargeable Battery has been [...]
Our work on the Coplanar Edible Rechargeable Battery has been [...]
Dario Floreano's research in robotics and within RoboFood was featured [...]
We are proud to share that RoboFood was featured in [...]
We are proud to share that RoboFood was featured in [...]
"Nuptials notice: foods and robots are getting married" - check [...]
The RoboFood team at IIT were recently interviewed by RAI [...]
Our edible rechargeable battery has been selected as one of [...]
We are proud to share that RoboFood was featured in [...]
"Have your robot and eat it too! How edible robots [...]
Alex Keller talks about the RoboFood project on the BBC World Service CrowdScience [...]
"At the moment we are working on edible robots as [...]
"Nothing’s more inorganic than a robot, and nothing’s more organic [...]